Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Sunday, March 28, 2021

A king vs a king ,Godzilla vs Kong is a movie that promises a lot of things to a lot of people special after Last year's lack of content due to corona viruses. But dose it worth it.
Good -
1) The action-
Saying that this movie has good action is not enough it has the best live action monster fights ever made. The reason for it is that it not just about two monster fighting just for Sake of it. But fighting looks like real deal. every move that Kong and Godzilla makes it's like they can do it for real.
2) The action-
Godzilla in its last movies move very slowly at least for me. It may look realistic but if you make a movie about monsters that are bigger then buildings. It doesn't make sense to move them realistically. It's like everytime I see Godzilla feel that Godzilla is super fat. But in this movie you will see none of that and it makes fights so much entertaining.
Godzilla vs Kong is movie about monsters and it does that part very well in every department when you see and hear Godzilla and Kong you expect monsters and you will get exactly that not some shity design like in CREATURE (2014).
One of the greatest thing about this movie is that it did a phenomenal job of lighting. In previous movies monsters are lighted very poorly you can barely make sense of fights but here they did very good job in CGI. That allows them to light monsters very nicely.
If I have tell you one bad thing about this movie that will be Mechagodzilla and every thing around it. First thing Mechagodzilla has next to no impact on the story if you cut out all seen with Mechagodzilla the story will remain identical.
A hero is as good as it's villain but who is the villain of the story no ideas. Kong and Godzilla are not the enemies because they all are doing the best what they think is good for them and for others. Kong and Godzilla both are kings in their own right and both of them will not accept each other. So by nature they are not villains. They fight eachother not because they hate eachother but because they wanted to protect their respective kingdoms.
So who is the real villain of the story apparently a human name Walter Simmons and GHIDORAH (Mechagodzilla).
In movie ghidorah take control of mechagodzilla and he got defeated and that's it nothing else. Movie doesn't add anything about ghidorah just that his consciousness takeover Mechagodzilla. Movie doesn't explain anything. You can argue that movie doesn't have time, budget balbalbal but for a monster that comes from Space movie doesn't give a shit about it. Even I can do better than this having been said that this doesn't makes movie even 10% less enjoyable. Because at the end of the day it's a story of GODZILLA VS KONG and in that department it Delivers.